Your search for * in family Fabaceae has returned 5 entries


Photo by jcorrie / iNaturalist, License: CC-BY-NC. (authorities: Naumeta Rose (male, 32), Paul Fatapa (male, 74))

n. type of plant (collection: Michael J. Balick #5259)

Example: Photo by jcorrie / iNaturalist, License: CC-BY-NC. (authorities: Naumeta Rose (male, 32), Paul Fatapa (male, 74))

kamoni tai


[kamoni tai] n. type of flowering plant (collection: Michael J. Balick #5058)

ko kava

Used as a fish poison. Macerate stems and put into pool with water. Smash further until juice comes out. As a result, fish are stunned and can be harvested.

[ko kaʋa] n. liana, growing in well developed secondary forest. flowers pale pink. (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #4154)

Example: Used as a fish poison. Macerate stems and put into pool with water. Smash further until juice comes out. As a result, fish are stunned and can be harvested.


Dendrolobium umbellatum

[namanu] n. small tree, 2 m tall (collection: Gregory M. Plunkett #4156)


n. type of plant (collection: Michael J. Balick #5255)

Example: The stem of this tree is used for firewood or making houses and rafters for the roof. (authorities: Naumeta Rose (male, 32), Paul Fatapa (male, 74))